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ACWF Leaders Inspect Novel Coronavirus Control Efforts at CWU

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ACWF Leaders Inspect Novel Coronavirus Control Efforts at CWU

 February 7, 2020

Shen Yueyue, President of the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), visited China Women's University (CWU) on February 6 to inspect and guide its prevention and control efforts of the novel coronavirus epidemic, before the Lantern Festival which will fall on February 8 this year. Shen also greeted the faculty members and students, including foreign students, staying at the campus during the ongoing winter vacation.

Huang Xiaowei, Vice-President and First Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, also attended the inspection.

Along with their sincere greetings, they also brought the faculty members and students yuanxiao, a type of sweetened dumpling made of glutinous rice flour and stuffed with a variety of fillings, usually eaten on the Lantern Festival.

They asked about the health conditions of the CWU's students who are in Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak and the capital city of Central China's Hubei Province, and other cities in the province. They also inquired about the implementation of the university's one-on-one contact system between teachers and students.

They inspected the student management, teaching arrangement and logistic support amid the epidemic outbreak, and they urged the university to further do the work of epidemic prevention and control well.

Shen urged the school leaders to pay close attention to the health conditions of the teachers and students, especially those in Hubei, and extend full care to teachers and students who are quarantined for medical treatment or observation.

Epidemic prevention and control knowledge should be publicized among teachers and students in a scientific way so as to further raise their self-protection awareness and skills, said Shen. She encouraged students to continue with their study at home and learn from the role models in the epidemic prevention and control efforts.

When visiting the dormitories of some foreign students, Shen and Huang asked the students whether they had informed their families of their personal safety and if there were any special needs or difficulties in their studies and lives.

The foreign students replied that they had been in close contact with their families and that there was no need for their parents to worry about them since the Chinese government has made an all-out effort to curb the spread of the virus and the university has provided them with comprehensive assistance since the epidemic outbreak.

Maryam Hamdu Khalfan, from Tanzania, said her parents work on medical and health care, so she and her family members all know the epidemic prevention measures in China are scientific and effective.

Lynda Chibane, from Algeria, said that China is very powerful and that she and other foreign students have full confidence in the country's winning the battle against the virus.

Khadie Bakarr, from Sierra Leone, said she lives well in China and the Chinese are her family members. She will unite with her family members to win the battle.

Shen introduced that the international community has spoken highly of China's efforts in the prevention and control of the virus, and she called on foreign students to protect themselves, maintain close contact with their families, and make concerted efforts in the battle against the epidemic.

Shen and Huang urged the staff members to continue caring for foreign students, help them feel the warmth of the Chinese and the great spirit of the nation in facing challenges with united strength, and encourage them to act as a bridge connecting China and other countries.

Cai Shumin, Member of the Secretariat of the ACWF, also attended the inspection.


(Source: China Women's News/Translated and edited by Women of China)


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