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Croatian officials welcome the arrival of Rafale fighter jets purchased from France

来源:International Image news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-03 17:03:14

ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — The first six of a dozen Rafale multipurpose fighter jets purchased by Croatia from France landed at an air force base near Zagreb on Thursday with a welcome ceremony attended by top officials.

The deal, signed in 2021 with French aircraft manufacturer Dassault Aviation, was said to be worth over a billion euros. In addition to the aircraft, the contract covered weapon systems, spare parts, logistics and training.

France is to deliver the remaining six jets in 2025. The acquisition will enable the Croatian Air Force to replace its outdated Soviet-designed Mikoyan MiG-21 fighters.

The Defense Ministry of Croatia, a NATO member, said the arrival of the aircraft from France piloted by Croatian crews is a historic moment for the country.

“This is a historic moment for Croatia, we realized our dream,” Croatia’s Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at the ceremony, moments after the six Rafales landed on the runway in succession.

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